Moreland 2030 is the culmination of a yearlong process of listening and learning. During the 2022-2023 school year, Superintendent Dr. Clover Codd held a series of parent, community and staff focus groups in each school community. The input we received from surveys and focus group conversations was shared with a representative group of stakeholders, who worked throughout Spring 2023 to draft a new plan.
There were consistent themes and priorities shared by our community. Those ended up becoming five bold goals that are worthy of our children, staff and families. It establishes what is most important to us as a community. It is based on, and anchored in our values regarding public education. Each goal in our strategic plan has a set of outcomes or “indicators of success” and a set of strategies we intend to put into place to realize those outcomes. Each year, through the annual LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan) process, Moreland will share progress on each of these goals. The LCAP acts as the report card for the district.
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