MORE stands for Moreland Opportunities for Recreation and Equipment. Under MORE, Moreland School District offers before and after-school child care, after-school enrichment classes, school clubs, school break camps, and summer camps at Moreland school sites. Financial assistance is available for those who qualify. MORE programs operate July 1 - June 30.
The California Legislature approved ongoing funding for the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELOP). In conjunction with the After School Education and Safety (ASES) Program, priority and financial assistance may be available for eligible students who meet specific criteria, including English Language Learners, socio-economically disadvantaged, and foster youth.
Depending on availability, families enrolled in MORE can participate in multiple programs that meet their family's needs.
For more information about the MORE program offerings or financial assistance, please see below or fill out this
form to be added to our mailing list or contact Expanded Learning Program Manager Gizzele Linayao at
[email protected].
Our before and after-school child care program is known as Moreland Extended Day. Child care is located on all campuses exclusively for Moreland School District TK-6th grade students. Moreland Extended Day partners with families and our community to support the success of the whole child. We focus on character development, social and emotional growth, health and wellness, problem-solving skills, and academic support.
During your child's time at Extended Day, they will have opportunities to foster friendships with their peers while expanding their learning through student-inspired clubs and workshops. Our curriculum includes daily homework time, snack, recess, outdoor group games, and STEAM activities. The staff's commitment to children extends beyond the program hours as we empower them to move confidently throughout their lives.
In our after-school enrichment program, students grades TK-8 can participate in various specialized classes. Moreland School District contracts these classes with several organizations. Chess, Game Design, Dance, Coding, Basketball, Soccer, 3-D Design, and Music are some of the class offerings. All classes are offered immediately after school for students.
In our school clubs program, students grades TK-8 can participate in specialized classes taught by Moreland teachers and staff. Sewing, Yoga, Homework, Anime, Language Academy, Newspaper Art, and Running are some club offerings. All classes are offered before or after school for students.
Camp Moreland offers engaging themed activities throughout the day for students in the Moreland School District entering grades K-6. Students can participate in fun-filled opportunities in each session, all while making new friends! As a bonus, children will also participate in "Brain Boost Time," where academics will be reviewed.
To view our board-approved MORE Program Plan, see below.