Moreland School District

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2025-26 New Student Enrollment Happening Now!
The Moreland School District is home to four elementary schools, two TK-8th grade schools, and one comprehensive middle school. Students residing in the Moreland School District are assigned an elementary and a middle school based on their home address.  


Enrollment at the school of residence is on a first come, first served basis. Every attempt will be made to place new students at their school of residence. However, the district cannot guarantee such placement and reserves the right to overflow students to other schools within the District as necessary when a grade-level enrollment capacity is reached.


Any student overflowed to a school other than their school of residence will be provided transportation from their school of residence and back. Overflowed students will be given the opportunity to either stay at their overflowed school or return to their school of residence for the following school year.

Student registration for students new to the district for the 2025-26 school year begins January 13, 2025. Please ENROLL YOUR CHILD ONLINE according to your resident school.
​To register a new student with the Moreland School District, a parent/guardian must follow the steps below: 
Step 1: Find your schoolStep 2: Collect Documents  Step 3: Enroll online  Step 4: we will contact you


Any new students enrolling for the 2024-25 school year, please CLICK HERE for our Online Enrollment. 

Students currently enrolled in the Moreland School District do not need to enroll again.

Moreland resident families are able to enroll online for 2025-26 academic year starting Monday, January 13, 2025. Once the online enrollment is completed, our Enrollment Center will contact you to confirm your registration in the school. We value your time and want to ensure your enrollment is a seamless process, therefore we encourage parents to wait patiently for confirmation.

Parents will not obtain approval unless all information is complete.

1.  PICTURE IDENTIFICATION (California Driver's License Preferred)

  • California Driver’s License with current address or DMV-stamped change of address or computer print out
  • Consulate-Issued ID
  • Valid Passport


  • Monthly Mortgage Payment OR
  • Valid Lease or Rental Agreement (all pages) OR
  • Shared Housing Affidavit is required if a family is sharing housing with another individual as a long-term living arrangement within the attendance boundaries.

     ONE of the following Utility Bills:

  • Current PG&E bill OR
  • Current city of San Jose water bill, cable bill or update car registration

TWO of the following if parent/legal guardian is not property owner or primary renter:

  • Original paycheck or paystub issued by employer
  • Correspondence from government agency (WIC, Medi-Cal, Social Security, Unemployment)
  • Valid vehicle registration (not pink slip)
  • Current monthly bills (bank loan, credit card, physician/dental statement, bank statement)
  • Or to be determined by District Office Representative. District Office has the right to accept alternative forms of proofs of residence on a case-by-case basis.



  • Certified copy of birth record
  • Statement by the local registrar or a county recorder certifying the date of birth 
  • Baptism certificate
  • Passport, or
  • Affidavit of the parent, guardian, or custodian of the minor



  • Immunizations must be up to date and meet CHDP immunization requirements for school entry.  All 7th and 8th graders must meet the Tdap and Varicella requirements.  
  • Click here for the required immunizations
  • Medical Exemptions can only be issued through the California Immunization Registry/Medical Exemption website CAIR-ME by physicians licensed in California. Schools and Childcare facilities may only accept from parents new medical exemptions that are issued using CAIR-ME.



  • Children entering a school in Santa Clara County for the first time should be screened for Tuberculosis (TB) risk factors by a questionnaire administered by a healthcare provider and TB tested only if they have a new risk factor since last screened. If no symptoms of TB, they will not be excluded from school as long as they begin or complete the screening process. Please take the attached "SCC Public Health Department Tuberculosis (TB) Risk Assessment for School Entry" form to your child's primary healthcare provider to be completed and return it to school. 


  • Getting your child a health examination before starting school is essential to detect problems that may interfere with learning. Early identification and treatment are important because an undetected health problem could hamper a child's progress in school. Please take the following "Report of Health Examination for School Entry" form to your child's primary health care provider to complete and return to school. This form is not required to enroll; however, we highly encourage you to complete this form.
  • TK-Kinder requirement: The Oral Health Exam can be performed by your child’s dentist up to 12 months prior to school entry.
  •  This document is not required to complete registration  However, we encourage you to provide these documents prior to the first day of school.
  • Click here for the Oral Health Exam Form, Notification, and Waiver.
Intradistrict Transfer Requests
Intradistrict transfer requests to another school within the Moreland School District take place only during the month of March. The period for submissions has ended for the 2024-25 school year. This is not a first come, first served basis. The Superintendent will review all the requests at the beginning of April and we will contact the families in April with the status of their transfer or with detailed lottery information.
Home Study Program
If you are interested in our Home Study Program, please visit the Home Study Program website page.
Moreland School District Enrollment Center
1850 Fallbrook Avenue
San Jose, CA 95130
(408) 874-2927
Enrollment Center Hours:
Monday - Friday: 8am - 4pm
Closed 12pm - 1pm for lunch
Interdistrict Transfer
For residents of the Moreland School District wishing to transfer out of the District to another school district.  Click here for more information.
Annual Parent Notifications