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Results of Statewide CAASPP Online Tests Released

October 2, 2018:  The Moreland School District announced that results for the California state assessment system, known as the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP), were released from the California Department of Education this morning for all schools.  Moreland has increased the number of proficient students in both English Language Arts and Math. This increase demonstrates that Moreland students are continuing to grow with the rigorous, college and career-ready California standards through the Smarter Balanced Assessment Test taken last Spring.  

Administered to Moreland students in grades three through eight, the new Common Core State Standards requires students to not only know concepts and skills, but also to be able to apply them. In addition, these tests included performance tasks that challenge students to demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving and apply their knowledge and skills to real world problems.  

In comparing the initial results released today, the Moreland School District has outperformed students in the state of California, as well as those students in Santa Clara County in both English Language Arts (ELA) and Math.  Individual student CAASPP Score Reports were mailed home to families over the summer with information about the student’s overall progress and achievement.

Moreland School District Superintendent Mary Kay Going said, “The CAASPP testing serves as one measure for student achievement for Moreland students.  Other measures include student performance in the classroom, teacher created assessments, and district benchmark assessments. Moreland values the education of the whole child and therefore includes in our assessment of a students success their critical thinking, communication, creativity, and collaboration skills as well.”
