Moreland School District

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Moreland People of the Year Awards

People of the Year Winners (from upper left to lower right):
Teacher of the Year Debbie Pavlos, Classified Employee of the Year
Lindsey Edmonds, Volunteer of the Year Melissa Rhyne,
Management Employee of the Year Evangeline Reyes
SAN JOSE, CA, June 5, 2024: Moreland School District is thrilled to announce our People of the Year award winners honored at the May 14, 2024 Board of Trustees Meeting.

Debbie Pavlos, Baker Elementary School Teacher
District Teacher of the Year

Lindsey Edmonds, Anderson Elementary School Library Specialist
District Classified Employee of the Year

Melissa Rhyne, MEF President & Moreland Middle School Volunteer
District Volunteer of the Year

Evangeline Reyes, Chief Business Official
Administrator of the Year

The District winners will represent Moreland at the Santa Clara County Office of Education Certificated/Teacher of the Year and Classified Person of the Year celebrations. The Moreland School District has a Strategic Plan goal to "Attract, Develop and Retain a Diverse Workforce." One way this is achieved is through celebrating achievements of staff with letters, awards, celebrations, and receptions. As voted by their school sites, here are the 2024 People of the Year:
Winner List
You can view the People of the Year Celebration recording by clicking HERE.